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Gamifier Mastery SAP S/4 HANA FICO
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00_14-12-24_FICO_How to start your career as a SAP FICO consultant (149:09)
01_05-01-25_SAP Workshop - A Comprehensive Overview Of SAP (190:24)
02_12-01-25_SAP Navigation Workshop (168:04)
03_18-01-2025_FICO_Activate Methodology, Roles, GUJ tutorial, Navigation to IMG (122:53)
04_19-01-2025_FICO_Enterprise Structure and ECC S/4 HANA Differences (107:18)
05_25-01-2025_Business Partner (162:33)
06_26-01-2025_FICO_Credit control area, segment, Fiscal year and posting Periods (131:54)
07_01-02-2025_FICO_Field status variant, Chat of accounts and document types and no ranges (139:33)
08_02-02-2025_FICO_Document splitting Ledgers and non leading ledger Currencies (127:49)
09_08-02-2025_FICO_Controlling basic settings, tolerance group End user GL creation (124:57)
10_09-02-2025_FICO_Posting, Parking, display line item report and layout of GL invoices (138:28)
11_15-02-2025_FICO_GL reversal, FCT, Accruals and sample documents (130:31)
12_16-02-2025_FICO_Accounts payable and receivables basic confiq and BP config (109:53)
08_PP_15-02-2025_Product Cost Estimate (110:34)
13_22-02-2025_FICO_BP configuration and master Vendor Invoices Posting (164:59)
14_23-02-2025_FICO_AP - House Bank , Account Id and Automatic payment program configuration (131:45)
15_01-03-2025_FICO_Automatic Payment Run, Payment Terms and Manual Payments (123:31)
16_02-03-2025_FICO_Accounts Receivables - postings, receipts and dunning (121:53)
17_08-03-2025_FICO_Tax procedure And down payments from customer (118:27)
18_09-03-2025_FICO_Asset Accounting configuration (137:21)
00_FICO_07-09-24_How to Start Your Career as a SAP FICO Consultant - SAP FICO DEMO (126:22)
02-14.09.24_3-hour SAP workshop - Comprehensive Overview of SAP for Beginners (200:50)
03_15-09-2024_SAP Navigation Workshop (165:43)
01_FICO_21-09-2024_Basis- Land scape and Enterprise structure (158:50)
02_FICO_22-09-2024_Activate Methodology and Financial Accounting Global Settings (172:05)
03_FICO_28-09-2024_Chart of Accounts Document Splitting Document types and no. ranges (122:35)
06_29-09-2024_Business_Partner (161:24)
04_FICO_05-10-2024_Leading non leading ledger, currencies and basic controlling settings (135:36)
05_05-09-24_PP_ Product Costing (118:39)
05_11-10-2024_FICO_GL Masters and Postings (125:24)
06_13-10-2024_FICO_GL Posting of Foreign Currency Transaction and Accrual (149:14)
07_19-10-2024_FICO_Accounts Payable and Receivables Basic Configuration (116:57)
08_20-10-2024_FICO_BP configuration Customer and Vendor configuration Posting Vendor invoices (130:50)
09_26-10-2024_FICO_Vendor - Parking, reversals, credit memo , House Banks & Automatic Payment Program (121:21)
10_27-10-2024_FICO_Automatic payment run, Manual payments And Down/advance payments (135:08)
11_02-11-2024_FICO_Accounts Receivables - Postings, Receipts and Down payment Receipt (108:41)
12_03-11-2024_FICO_Dunning and Tax Procedure (115:07)
13_09-11-2024_FICO_Asset Accounting configuration (142:20)
14_10-11-2024_FICO_Asset Accounting End user (162:46)
15_16-11-2024_FICO_Controlling - Cost Elements (121:28)
16_17-11-2024_FICO_Controlling - profit center and vos center (96:45)
17_23-11-2024_FICO_Internal order, internal order budgeting and year close (130:10)
18_24-11-2024_FICO_Tables, FI - MM and FI-SD integration and Fiori (143:20)
01_MM_PP_SD_FICO_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects. (144:51)
02_MM_PP_SD_FICO_ Business Process & Object Required (149:06)
03_MM_PP_ SD_FICO_Sap navigation with tips and tricks to use sap screen (158:26)
04_PP_SD_FICO_MM_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation (152:45)
05_19-05-2024-System Landscape and Project Phases (107:01)
06_25-05-2024_FICO_Intro, Roles and Responsiblities, Landsape and GUI tutorial and Define company (166:43)
07_26-05-2024_FICO_Activate Methodlogy & Enterprise Structure and Tranport organiser (156:46)
08_01-06-2024_FICO_Variants, Fiscal year, Posting period, Field status variant (103:15)
09_02-06-2024_FICO_ Chart of Accounts, Account groups. Retained earning, Document Types and number ranges, Document Splitting and Delete Lock Entries (165:16)
09_SD-04-06-2024- Business Partner (117:53)
10_08-06-2024_FICO_Ledgers - leading no leading and currencies Basic settings of controlling (134:19)
11_09-06-2024_FICO_T.Group, Tax basic settings, Functional area, GL master with Navigation and Without Navigation tree and diffrence with ECC to S4 system (127:10)
12_10-06-2024-PP_Product Cost Estimate (102:41)
13_15-06-2024_FICO_GL postings Parking Report and layout (139:43)
14_16-06-2024_FICO_FCT, Accruals, Accounts Payable & Receiv baisc settings - Customer/Vendor groups, no ranges and Assigning the no ranges to the Groups (163:23)
15_22-06-2024_FICO_BP Configuration, Doc Types and no ranges, Tgroup for Cust/Vend, Posting Vendor invoice, Report (184:35)
16_23-06-2024_House Bank, Account ID, Bank Key, Check lot, Automatic Payment Program and Run (183:32)
17_29-06-2024_FICO_Manual Payments, Adv/Down payemnts. Accounts Rec - Posting, Incoming payments, credit memo and Advances from customer (180:03)
18_30-06-2024_FICO_Tax Procedure (82:40)
19_06-07-2024_FICO_Dunning. Asset Accounting - Difference between ECC and S/4, Chart of dep, Account Determinations, Screen layouts, No. ranges and asset Classes (164:07)
20_07-07-2024_FICO_Asset - Configuration - Dep Key, Calculation methods, GL creation & Auto reconciliation (126:28)
21_14-07-2024_FICO_Asset - Masters, Year close, Asset acquisition, Depreciation, Asset sale, transfer and scrap (164:24)
22_21-07-2024_FICO_Controlling - Cost Elements and Profit Centers (120:56)
23_27-07-2024_FICO_Controlling- cost center, internal order and tables topic (179:47)
24_28-07-2024_Recurring, Sample, Ticketing tool, Year close, Reporting and FSV (140:57)
25_03-08-2024_Fiori, FI-MM, FI-SD, Product Costing and COPA concepts (120:57)
01_MM_PP_SD_FICO_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects. (139:47)
02_MM_PP_SD_FICO_ Business Process & Object Requried (194:33)
03_PP_SD_FICO_MM_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation.mp4 (111:41)
04_MM_PP_ SD_FICO_Sap navigation with tips and tricks to use sap screen.mp4 (149:25)
05_MM_SD_PP_FICO_ Enterprice Structure (144:52)
06_MM_SD_PP_FICO_ Enterprice Structure Part -2 (168:52)
07_FICO_Activate methodology, Landscape, Roles and Responsibilities, Types of Projects and Enterprise Structure - Define Company (158:49)
08_FICO_SAP Best Practices, SAP & S4 Hana basic Differences, Enterprise Struc - Company Code, B Area, Credit Control area, Segments (126:29)
09_FICO_Variants - Fiscal Year, Posting peirod and Filed status variant, Lock entries and Transport Organiser (160:40)
Session Notes - COA
10_FICO_COA, Account Groups, Retined earning accounts, Global parameters, Basic tax settings and differences a. COA screen in ECC to S4 Hana b. Global parameters Additional info button (102:33)
11_FICO_Controlling area basic settings - 1. Maintain controlling area, 2. No ranges, 3 Maintain versions 4. CO version and Document types and number ranges (129:24)
12_FICO_Leading and Non Leading Ledger, Currency Types, Tolerance groups - And just started on GL Master (130:05)
13_PP_Product costing (142:23)
14_FICO_GL Master Data - Creation, with template, navigation tree, block, delete and in posting - Transaction with sigle entry and multiple entries, display and change documents (123:37)
15_MM_Automatic Account Determination (155:53)
16_FICO_FBL3N, FS10N, FBGLL03 reports and layout changes, Parking - Display, changes, post and delete, Foreign Currency Trnasacations (116:17)
17_FICO_Accruals_Accrual and Deferral and Recurring documents (121:40)
18_FICO_Accounts payable and Accounts receivables (127:12)
19_FICO_Vendor and Customer integration with Business Partners and vendor and customer account groups, vendor master creation, Vendor invoice posting, credit, charge off , reversals, Parking and display change line item report (155:05)
20_FICO_Automatic payment program, payment terms and automatic payment run (157:06)
21_FICO_AP - Manual payments and Advances, AR - AR flow and Customer Master data (157:15)
22_FICO_Accounts receivable - Posting, credit, Receipt, Advances from customer, Dunning and Standard reporting (177:23)
23_FICO_Tax procedure and posting , Asset Accounting - COD, Account determinations, Screen layouts, Asset no ranges, Asset Classes and GL account creation (159:42)
24_FICO_Auto Assignment GL accounts, Asset screen layout rules and Depreciation screen layout rules, Dep methods, Dep key, Asset Master, Acquisition and Asset Explorer (153:06)
Withholding Tax
26_MM_Logistic invoice verification (157:40)
25_FICO_Asset Dep, Asset Transfer, Asset Retirement, Asset Scrap. Contorlling - cost elements and Profit centers and document splitting concept (146:55)
26_FICO_Cost centers, Internal order, Internal order budgeting, Standard Reporting , Financial statement versions and year close (164:11)
27_FICO_Year close continuation, Sample documents, Tables - Universal journal and Fiori (106:01)
28_FICO_COPA concept, FI - MM and FI - SD integration concept (82:23)
01_PP_MM_SD_FICO_10 Reasons Why People Fail to Start a Career in SAP (171:07)
02_MM_PP_SD_FICO_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects. (164:04)
03_MM_SD_PP_FICO_SAP landscape, projects and Phases (146:09)
04_PP_SD_FICO_MM_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation (150:55)
05_PP_SD_FICO_SAP Products , Navigation and System Set up (148:36)
06_PP_MM_FICO_SD_SAP Products , Navigation and SAP tables (146:01)
07_FICO_Roles and Responsibilities & GUI tutorial & Enduser - General Ledger - Post document, Change and Display (103:06)
08_FICO_Company, Company code, Business area, Credit control area, assign company code to company assing credit control area to company code, Transport orgainser and lock entries (166:46)
09_SD_Business Partner Overview (145:46)
10_FICO_Variants Fiscal Year, Posting Period Variant and Filed status variants (116:12)
11_FICO_Chart of Accounts, Account Groups and Retained Earning Account, Lock entries deletion (172:32)
12_FICO_Product Cost estimate (125:02)
13_FICO_Document Splitting, Controlling area basic settings 1. Maintain controlling area 2. No ranges 3 Versions , Tax basic settings and Global company code parameters (116:33)
14_FICO_Different types of Ledgers (Leading , Non leading, Extension and Day) - Currencies, Accounting Principles and document types (128:32)
Session - Notes Different types of Ledgers
15_FICO_Tolerance group, Profit center activation in Controlling area, General ledger master creation (with template and with Hierarchy ) and posting of invoice, diplay , change and FAGLL03 report and report layout (142:57)
16_FICO_Posting, Parking and reversal of General Ledger documents (74:06)
17_FICO_FCT and month end acceuals (124:44)
18_FICO_Accounts Payable (Vendor groups, no range and assign number ranges) Accounts receivables(Customer Groups, No ranges and Assign nunber ranges) and Tolerance groups for vendor and customer, Document types and Sample doc (115:38)
19_FICO_BP, Roles, Groups, Master data sinchronaisation. Business Partner Master data creation (Vendor) (117:05)
Session Notes - Business partner
20_FICO_Vendor Enduser activities - Posting, Park, Park post and delete, Credit memo, charge off, FBL1N and fBL3N, House Bank and Account ID, Fiori (140:08)
21_FICO_Accounts receivable- customer master creation, Invoice posting, Credit and charge off (107:30)
22_S4 Hana Master Data & Batch Management Changes (180:41)
23_FICO_Check lots, Payment terms, Automatic Payment Program, Automatic Payment Run (116:11)
24_MM_Account Determination (142:31)
25_FICO_Accounts Payable -Manual payments, advances to vendor Accounts receivables - incoming payments and advances to customer (119:57)
26_FICO_Accounts receivable_Dunning and tax procedure & Asset accounting_chart of dep_account determination_screen layout and asset classes (157:23)
27_FICO_Asset - GL creations, Auto assiging GL, Deprecaition Key, calculation methods (122:50)
28_FICO_Asset - Masters, Year close, Acquisition of asset, Dep run, Asset - Sale, Transfer and Retirement (193:29)
29_FICO_Year close Controlling - primary and secondary cost , cost center and profit center (119:31)
30_FICO_Cost elements , profit center and cost centers along wih posting Controlling (81:14)
31_FICO_Internal order And internal order planning and budgeting along with invoice posting (84:05)
32_FICO_COPA and Prodcut costing concepts, FI-MM and FI and SD integration, Recurring, Reproting and year close (190:22)
01_MM,SD,FICO,PP_Sap S4 HANA Architecture and Business Process Integration (149:02)
02_SD,MM,PP,FICO Objects to map business Processes, SAP Landscape , Product Journey and Project Phases and Different Roles. (184:40)
03_FICO_Different kind of sap projects and system navigation (158:00)
4.1_SastraGeek LMS tool usage (89:28)
4.2_SAP Navigation and SAP Tables (82:19)
Assignment - 01
05_FICO_Theory as ASAP BBP Roles and responsibility Postings of GL,AP and AR (143:22)
06_FICO_Landscape organisational structure (117:45)
07_FICO_Fiscal year credit contolr area and transport organiser (73:26)
08_FICO_Posting periods, Field status variant, Global company code parameters, Tax assignin to country (117:01)
09_FICO_Chart of accounts, Retained earning account, Document splitting (135:31)
10_FICO_Leading ,Non leading ledgers, accounting principles, currencies and document types and number ranges (121:24)
11_FICO_Controlling area, basic sesstings, Controlling no ranges, Versions, Tolerance group, GL master (127:47)
12_FICO_GL posting - FB50 and F-02, Display and changes, Line item reports and cumulative balances report and layout changes, GL masters - with template, creation, Block, Deletion (136:33)
13_FICO_Business Partner (179:13)
14_FICO_Park, park display changes, park post or delete , Reversal (Individual and Mass) and All doubts and correcting the configuration (118:07)
15_FICO_FCT, Accruals (Accurals or Deferral and Open item managemen) and Sample document (136:41)
16_FICO_Product costing , Integration Between PP and FICO (118:28)
17_FICO_Accounts Payable & Receivables (107:25)
18_FICO_ BP Configuration, Vendor invoices (130:52)
19_FICO_Accounts payable invoice parking, house bank, check lot and Automatic PaymentbProgram (127:03)
20_FICO_Automatic payment run, cash discount and manual payment only check issue (94:21)
21_FICO_Logistics Invoice Verification (137:05)
23_FICO_Advance payments to vendors. Accounts receivables, customer master data and posting of customer invoices (146:57)
24_FICO_Account receivables - incoming posting, advances from customer and dunning (99:06)
25_FICO_Tax procedure and document with tax postings, Asset Accounting - COD, Account Determinsations, Screenlayout rules, Asset Classes (126:55)
26_FICO_GL accounts, Assign auto GL accounts, Asset Screen layout and Deprecial screen layout rules, Determine dep area in Asset classes, Calculation methods and Dep key (127:04)
FICO - Session Notes
27_FICO_Asset Masters, Asset year close, Asset acquisition & difference between ECC to S4Hana , Asset Explorer, Asset Dep Run and as part of doubts Manaul payments (154:30)
28_FICO_Asset Transfer, Retirement and Asset, Sale and Controlling theory part (75:47)
29_FICO_Error clearing, controlling - cost elements and profit center and posting document wit profit center (144:08)
30_FICO_Cost centers - categories, groups, master creation and posting invoice with cost center, Recurring and Year Close (100:19)
31_FICO_Internal order types, IO master, IO budgeting, Financial Statement Version, Fiori and COPA concept and Product cost concept (178:03)
32_FI - MM and FI-SD integration (65:53)
FI - MM SD Integration
23 Jan_Batch
01_FICO_SAP S4 Hana Overview , Projects, Phases & Landscape in SAP Projects (158:43)
02_MM,PP,SD,FICO_SAP Project, Phases , system Landscape & Product Journey (139:08)
03_MM,PP,SD,FICO_User Interfaces, System Navigation & Fiori Overview (68:27)
Overview of SAP FICO
Overview of SAP FICO (149:16)
SAP Architecture, Landscape & Business Process Overview (193:08)
Sap Gui navigation and basic OTC cycle (115:02)
01_FICO_Organisation / Enterprise Structure (115:26)
02_FICO_Org Structure and Variants (94:24)
03_FICO_Field status variants - Tolerance group for GL account and tolerance group for employees (63:37)
04_FICO_ Org structure, fiscal year and posting period (81:47)
05_FICO_Fields status variant (90:56)
06_FICO_Chart of accounts (89:01)
07_FICO_Maintain controlling area and ledgers and non leading ledgers (111:22)
08_FICO_Currencies, Document splitting, Document types (95:27)
09_FICO_Gl master, GL invoice posting and line item display (125:39)
10_FICO_Accounts payable and receivable confiq part - 1 (114:32)
11_FICO_Accounts payable and receivable confiq part - 2 (103:31)
12_FICO_Business Partners, Vendor and Customer creation, Vendor invoice, credit posting an reports (112:37)
13_FICO_House bank, Automatic payment program, Automatic payment run (192:11)
14_fico - Manual payment, Accounts receivables, Invoice processing, Parking, Credit memo, Line item display and layout, Reversals, Dunning (38:27)
15_FICO_Tax procedure (102:28)
16_FICO_Asset confiq (128:43)
17_FICO_Asset configuration (62:57)
18_FICO_Asset End User (113:17)
19_FICO_Controlling primary and secondary costs (75:20)
20_FICO_Controlling Primary and secondary cost and profit center (87:03)
10-08-24_FICO_Call (67:53)
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02-14.09.24_3-hour SAP workshop - Comprehensive Overview of SAP for Beginners
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